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"Amber - 3rd Open Competition"


The Third of the Fixed Open Competitions series

Get ready to unleash your creativity and showcase your talent on the global stage with our third installment of the Annual Open Competition series! Embracing diversity and innovation, this fixed annual event is your passport to artistic recognition, regardless of style or medium.

  • Description:
    The Amber Art Competition is your annual chance to shine in September’s premier open art event. Open to artists of all mediums and styles, this competition welcomes the full spectrum of artistic expression. With no thematic boundaries, you are free to explore and submit work that best represents your creative journey. Whether you’re an emerging artist or an established professional, this yearly competition offers a unique platform to showcase your talent and connect with a broader audience.

  • Eligibility:
    Open to All Arts: Whether it's painting, digital art, illustration, or photography, we want to see your masterpiece.

  • Art submition:
    1- Submit your artwork by emailing artsubmit@artventureinternationalgallery.com. Include a selection of 5 artworks of your choice that showcase your talent. Please ensure compliance with the gallery's guidelines, as this number allows our jurors to fully grasp your style, technique, and proficiency. Note that if you submit more than 5 artworks, the jury will only review the first 5 and won't consider any additional pieces due to the volume of submissions we receive.
    2- After submitting your work, you will receive the deatils for payment.
    3- Upon receipt of your payment, you will become eligible to compete.
    Note: Failure to submit payment will result in disqualification of the submitted work.

  • Judging Criteria:
    The artworks will be judged based on creativity, technical skill, and overall impact.

  • Certificates & Awards:

    - 1st Place Excellence Award - Certificate (First Prize): The pinnacle of artistic achievement! This Certificate recognizes the masterpiece that stands out above all, showcasing unparalleled creativity and skill. The winner not only receives recognition but also holds the esteemed title of an ArtVenture Masterpiece Awardee, and will have their own Artist profile featured on our website.

    - 2nd Place Outstanding Achievement Award - Certificate (Runner-Up Prize): Celebrating the emerging talents! This Certificate acknowledges the artist whose work demonstrates exceptional promise and creativity. It is a stepping stone to greater artistic heights.

    - 3rd Place Recognition of Merit - Certificate (Merit Prize): For exceptional skill and artistic excellence! The Merit Prize Certificate is awarded to the artwork that exemplifies outstanding technique, originality, and overall artistic prowess.